The new issue of Travel Magazine it`s about the Balkans!
June 14, 2022 || views
It has been more than a decade that the Balkans are no longer called the Balkan Peninsula but the Balkans, to personify that there are already many countries together, which are named with the plural of this word but have one thing in common; can be visited all together on a long tour.Therefore, in the second decade of the publication of our magazine, we have decided to go one step further and consider this publication a reflection of the Balkans and not only of Albania and other Albanian countries in the Balkans. They are so similar and different at the same time and we have a lot to share and a lot to tell about each other, what makes us similar and what makes us unique.
And we think we are absolutely right when we say that already, the Balkans is a single destination waiting for you to come and discover.
Have a nice trip with the new issue of “Travel The Balkans”!
Ka tashmë më shumë se një dekadë që Ballkani u ofrohet turistëve si një paketë e vetme për “round trips” dhe kjo ka bërë të mundur që kufijtë administrativë të mos ekzistojnë. Sepse atë që politika e ndan, turizmi e bashkon. Prandaj edhe ne, në dekadën e dytë të botimit të revistës tonë, kemi vendosur të hidhemi një hap më përtej e ta konsiderojmë këtë botim një pasqyrë tashmë të Ballkanit e jo vetëm të Shqipërisë dhe shteteve të tjera shqiptare në Ballkan. Ato janë aq të ngjashme e të ndryshme njëkohësisht e ne kemi shumë për të ndarë e shumë për të treguar për njëri-tjetrin, se çfarë na bën të ngjashëm e çfarë na bën unikë. Dhe mendojmë se kemi plotësisht të drejtë kur themi se tashmë, Ballkani është një destinacion i vetëm që po ju pret të vini e ta zbuloni.
Udhëtim të këndshëm me numrin e ri të “Travel the Bakans”, ku do të lexoni ndër të tjera:
In this issue:
Editor`s letter – This lovely summer of 2022
Before you really enjoy your next trip to the Balkans, get a touch through the new issue of our magazine, a trip that will only enrich your soul and entertain your senses!
Editorial – Balkan now is a single getaway
The Balkans and the Mediterranean for many reasons is today the most “sought after” destination in the world and if we were to mention just a few reasons why, some of them would be: the most ideal climate on the planet, which can fully express all four seasons, the beauty of a rare nature and incredible geographical diversity but also cultural diversity and historical heritage, very tasty food
Special Itinerary – Albania, a kaleidoscope for the Balkan traveler
This all started about five months ago with BATI Tourism awards in Bulgaria. It was post COVID we were bursting with energy and desire to restart touristic activity in spite of the hardship of the past. So when Ambassador Donika Hoxha suggested a FAM Tour to open Albania to the Bulgarian tourist, we jumped at the opportunity to do it.
Interview – Aleksandra Gardasevic Slavuljica: often a neighbor is more supportive and close than a family member
She is the Director General of Directorate for Developping Policies in Tourism at the Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro and we met her at the Western Balkans Ministerial Conference “Lifting Barriers for Sustainable Tourism”, held in Tirana, Albania and organized by RCC (Regional Cooperation Council).
Human Stories – In memory of Pier Paolo Ambrosi, a visionary with a kind smile
“I arrived in Albania the 9th July 1991, it was a Tuesday. I was not expecting at all that for me another life and another story would start, which has lasted for over a quarter of a century, and that Albania and the Albanians would become my country and my people. I look back at my life and I realized that after many years I still do not have anything that it is mine. Difficult to understand and to justify as well. I can only say that I did not come for me. I tried to work and do it well.”
That is what wrote few years ago Pier Paolo Ambrosi, passed away on the 2nd of June 2021.
Daily Escapes – You can visit as daily escapes even those places that you had not thought of as such, Therefore you should trust more professional teams like Discover Albania to enrich your travel diaries with new adventures.
Luxury Family Vacations in Montenegro at Azul Beach Montenegro Resort.
Nature – Montenegro. Ada Bojana a magic “Amazona” between Albania & Montenegro
Ada is the most famous tourist gem of Montenegro. The nudist place on Ada with the specific ambience is skillfully hidden from the curious looks, which from two sides is surrounded by a beautiful River Bojana, and from the third with the clearest seawater.
Family vacations in Albania – Velipoja: family & adventure vacations!
Velipoja is not only an ideal family destination but also ideal for various sports, especially water sports.
Thus, water sports practitioners can have fun doing kite surfing, wind surfing, etc., because the 14 kilometers of Velipoja beach offer you this opportunity.
Sea Life – Albania: The wonders of Saranda
If we suggest you to visit Saranda, the four seasons will be appropriate, because the nature and the city has a lot to offer in each one. In Spring you can admire its green spaces and the beautiful mountain scenery and sea.
Onhezmus 1 – your daily pleasure
To visit Saranda and not take a walk with the ship Onhezmus 1, means to throw away the most beautiful part of your vacation. So, don`t loose this ship-trip!
The fortresses of Ali Pasha Vizier of Ioannina
Talking about Ali Pashë Tepelena, the vizier of Ioannina or the Pasha of Southern Albania, is of course always an intriguing challenge through which dozens of historians, researchers, poets and writers and even painters and artists have passed through since he lived until nowadays.
Old villages – Albania. Qeparoi, The place so much loved by french people
Qeparo is a beautiful Albanian village, which has maintained its form through centuries of political turmoil, and bears a weathered, wizened, and calm feeling, as if nothing could phase it. To walk through Qeparo is to encounter ways of life that have been lost for a century.
Your story – Albania. The Mills trail uncovers a different side of Dhërmi village
Local Life – Albania. Vish Rudi, My Sheep Journey of food and culture. Francine Taley Wong
I created the brand VISH RUDI last year, based on Albanian sheep wool craft. The most amazing handmade traditional craft by Albanian women.
Wellness tourism – Albania. Dr. Fatjon Manjani: dental tourism, a sector I would love to explore just as much as my profession.
Also: Kosova, Montenegro, Turkey, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania
And much more….