12 best Albanian beaches from Travel Magazine
August 11, 2020 || views
They are definitely among the most beautiful ones! And they are not the only ones because the whole coastline of Albania is to breathtaking but they are mostly the ones that have captivated tourists, foreigners, adventure lovers, world media that immediately have included them in the list of “must see” destinations, the passionate people after waters and magic of the Albanian coast.
We said the coast? Did not we tell you yet that we have stunning beaches in the heart of the mountains? One part of you has discovered it already. But there are still many who do not know they exist, or who have not gone there yet. That`s why we have brought them here to impress you, just as we were fascinated by ourselves when we or our associates visited them.
For the ranking of destinations is used the geographical criteria
Aren`t you departed yet?
Rrjolli beach – where the life flows
Absolutely isolated until the collapse of the communist regime in 1991 because it was considered a border village, Rrjolli (Baks-Rrjoll), continues to remain a destination not widely known by visitors. It is 35 km (about 40 mins) away from Shkodra, in the east-southeast direction of Vilun Lagoon in Velipoja. Since 2005, Rrjolli is part of the Protected Territory Protected Territory of the River Buna-Velipoja (IUCN Category V). Until a decade ago, he was frequented mainly by day-tourists, but after the reconstruction of about 8 km of roads to the Shkodër-Velipojë axis, Rrjollin opted for more and more family holidays.
Rrjolli has a favorable position, stretching between the Black Sea (≈ 550m) and the coastline, which gives it not only special charm but also a prosperous microclimate for any kind of human activity, including agriculture, livestock and fisheries. Land parcels are always planted with different agricultural crops, where potatoes of Velipoja and other vegetables are distinguished, while the livestock sector is dominated by cows, goats and pigs, and less than birds. A considerable number of families (about 25) are regularly engaged in fishing, sailing with small boats and nets for some types of Adriatic sea fauna such as codfish, barbun, oyster, octopus, shrimp, octopus, etc. A special pleasure is offered to vacationers who prefer to have breakfasts along the virgin beach of Rrjoll, as they can see the fishermen returning from the sea with boats and pulling the fish caught by the nets. Of course, they can even buy unimaginable prices for the freshest and most diversified fish they’ve ever seen!
Along with Baksin, the village has about 140 families with over 550 inhabitants, of whom 90 are farmers that breed nearly 400 head of livestock. The village has a 9-year school, a Catholic church, several restaurants and 2 shops. The locals are wizards and workers, dear and very welcoming.
Increasing attendance has made some of the inhabitants of this village dedicated to tourism services, starting with the construction of accommodation facilities. Currently, Rrjolli counts about 12 accommodation structures, with 1-8 rooms, the total capacity of which is estimated at over 550 beds. Also in Rrjoll is one of the most interesting camping sites in Velipoja – “Clandestino”. However, some of these accommodation structures in Rrjoll do not belong to the natives, but are built by individuals and entities, coming to this area. As far as prices for a room are concerned, under the conditions they range from 2500 to 4500 lek / night. Almost all accommodation facilities offer some furnishings and kitchen appliances, home appliances, etc. As part of the overall accommodation capacity of the village Rrjoll, more than 30 flats from 1-3 floors of individuals who do not belong to the community of this village should be calculated, but have built houses for family use on the land purchased there.
Shala River, the breathtaking beach within the Alps
It`s very funny since a destination becomes a trend, everybody starts to compare it with the same kind around the world. So happened with the Osumi Canyon calling it the Albanian Colorado, or with Ksamil calling it the Maldives, or with Thethi, calling it Switzerland. And was predictable that would happen the same with Shala River, as one of the most beautiful tourist spots in Albania, only recently discovered by tourists, although it has been there for thousands of years. They have called it Albanian Thailand for the resemblance to the Asian country for the magic combination of transparent blue water with the abundant greenery surrounding it.
The Shala River has a length of 37 km, it comes from the source to Radohina and goes to Drini River. It flows out from Shtraza water source on the head of the village of Theth, at the foot of the Radohina peak, from where it descends down the Shala Valley, Thethi, Musha, Breglumi to Shala Gate, Lotaj and Shosh Valley, until his shed goes to Lesniqe in Drin (Lake Koman). It is a mountain stream with an average drop of 22 meters per kilometer.
The river is distinguished for its crystal water, for its rare landscape beauty and is rich in fish species, but the most common is trout that grows only in freshwater.
The blue and cold color of water is characteristic of this river, the rugged cliffs that surround it, seem to touch the sky. A place that everyone would think existed only in fairy tales but which is a tangible reality within our wonderful Alps.
The “Discover Albania” club was undoubtedly one of the first to send its groups of tourists, assisted by Komani Lake Ferry Berisha. Nëntor Oseku, whose photos illustrated this destination, says in his Travel interview that the Shala River, Nikaj Mërturi and the Gulf of Grama, are the three most beautiful destinations in Albania.
And we are completely in agreement. But we have a prayer for you dear readers and you tour operators:
Keep the nature safe because it is a treasure we are missing and we will not be able to retrieve it in the future. Respect its capabilities and enjoy things by measure. Do not destroy these pearls that beautify the head of our homeland, because tomorrow you will no longer have beautiful places to show to your children.
Alluvial Sand, the virgin paradise of Shëngjin
Do not think that beautiful and intimate beaches can be found only in the South of Albania. Even where you think that the population will not allow you to enjoy the intimate moment near of nature spots, we will show you a beach unlike any other beach in Albania.
When we say Shëngjini you will certainly not understand what this place has to do with privacy and secrecy. But if you leave Shëngjin behind, its port, climb the pine trees, continuing a little further, you will understand what we are talking about; in front of you, will come out with clean sandy escarpment where the winds that constantly blow and that sway the sand, seems that nobody else has trampled on before you. A giant sand pile seems to descend from the mountain and keeps running straight to the sea. It seems like thousands of workers have gathered with shovels and thrown there at the side of the mountain. Therefore it is called Rana e Hedhun (Alluvial Sand). In fact it is a natural phenomenon and has made this place one of the most unique in Albania. The crown of the pine trees that fills all over the country increases the beauty of this country, which is the main destination for those who seek a little bit of adventure.
For a better stay we suggest you Brigeni Camping and restaurant
We hope that the numerous tourists of Shëngjini will not destroy this beautiful beach, which can stand like a different offer, which adds the diversity of the holidays in Shengjin.
Rodoni Cape, the diadem of Durrës seashore
You can not miss one of the most beautiful beaches in the Gulf of Durres, Cape of Rodon, at your one-day destination during the summer season. Located in a triangle between Durrës and Tirana, which meet in a strip of land immersed deeply on the blue Adriatic Sea, Rodoni offers the tranquility and the landscape to be visited by all the curious and the lovers of nature and the still virgin beach that offers. The distance from Tirana is about 50 km which can be easily traversed for about 1 hour and 20 minutes, on a journey to plunge through the clayey, greenery and agricultural lands of the area. While from the center of Durres this natural gem is about 49 km or 60 minutes journey, easy to navigate and with adequate infrastructure. Rodoni lies between Gulf of Rodon in the north and Gulf of Lalzi in the south, while the river Ishmi flows into it and encloses the southern side of the Drini Bay.
Before arriving yet on the seashore, of the still virgin sea, you can visit the Franciscan Church, a monument that today presents value as a building belonging to the Romanesque-Gothic architecture of the 15th century. XIII. After its reconstruction in recent years, one can easily distinguish on its walls a horse-rider and a double-eagle with wings sitting down. In other parts of the wall there are other fresco footprints. Due to its monumental values, the connection of its existence to one of the most prominent periods of Albania’s history and favored by its geographical position and stunning scenery, is one of the most visited places for tourists and domestic visitors. Further, you can explore, hanging on one side of Skanderbeg’s Cape, one of the key maritime communications points of this period across the Adriatic. In every rock left over the fortress, it is proven the story that has come to our day, which proves the architecture chosen by fanatically conserving the natural beauty of the area and its stunning coastline. If you’re staying a bit inside the castle, you can choose to see the sea from the “cartridges”, its centuries-old windows, to capture unforgettable moments or landscapes in your memory, and not the driving tech you use during your travels.
For courageous people, this landing strip should be explored on foot to the bottom palm, naturally dressed in sports athletes to see one of the rare attractions of the Ishmi`s coastline, now part of Durres Municipality. You can choose to make a boat trip to enjoy the wild fauna of this area so rich in the waters. After that, staying on the beach prepared by yourself, will completely remove you from the day-to-day chaos of urban centers in which we live and work every day! The entertainment with different sports on the sand or on the ground, remain in your preference to add colors to your one-day trip, which will surely bring you back to this impressive nature, very close to the reality of summer tourism, but even the historical one! The oasis of tranquility and natural beauty is named Cape of Rodon!
The General`s beach, is one and only but worth, for a hundred
We will lead you to a tourist spot where the sky joins the sea, behind the beautiful hills surrounding the area, right on the Beach of General in Kavaja seashore. Like the name of this place, stately, the beach of the General, conceals within it enigmas and mysteries of a massive yet unknown exploration. It is located about 10 km from Kavaja, about 30 km from Durres, 50 km from Tirana, 55 km from Elbasan, and the road leading to the blue and deep sea, detaches from the highway at the entrance of Synej village and after a few minutes the height of the hills of Bardhor, to show in front of the eyes a really rare and impressive picture, different from the rest of this Adriatic part.
The terrain is a bit difficult due to the damage that has undergone the road due to lack of attention of the state instances, and because of the yacht port that is growing up on the other side of the bay. But after about 45 minutes of highway turning, you find yourself at the highest point of the area, then descending into the hidden bay between pure air, greenery, and the sea that is unharmed by human hands. What man’s hand has done in this place is just a work of decorating it more, building in accord with nature, a two-storey wooden lodge, with very comfortable conditions for a few quiet days away from the noise of urban centers that fill our daily life and create a cozy and comfortable environment. The well-invested investment carried out in it not only has not damaged it, but the adaptation made to it with the picturesque nature and scenery requires more attention from both domestic and foreign visitors. Fresh food with a tradition of Italian menus, combined with the tranquility of the beach and the seaside, will surely add values to your journey.
There are several legends related to the name of this beach, but what the residents of this area show, is that these sides during the Second World War brought an Italian major of military forces from Italy, with the girlfriend (there were many Italian wards nearby). He came with a yacht and was kept in private escort, enjoying as well nature and the beauty of his girlfriend. Traveling often in this gulf, he became familiar with the locals. So even when they did not come, residents called the gulf “General`s Beach”. The general came no longer to leave the land to the visitors and to all those who love the beauty served through nature. The landscape is really astounding for anyone who sees it for the first time.
The beach looks like a tranquil island, surrounded by Mediterranean greenery that cover Bardhori’s low hills, positioned as an amphitheater stairs that go down to the shore. During the stay and the trip a breeze will accompany you, present even in the hot days of the year. There are several small bays, which offer clean waters and why not fishing grounds. In this coastal area, fortunately, it has not yet been possible to make classical constructions of iron and concrete, but according to a decision of the Council of the former commune, only 2-storey villas and hotel buildings were allowed only on wood. In fact, what fills your heart with joy in this era of mess constructions is the fact that the boys who lead this place for business purposes, have kept it better than they would have saved by a hundred generals together.
Everyone would be tempted to get the name “General” from Bardhori’s beach, but if he visits it, it proves not just the legends, but even feel a little bit of general during the stay.
Grama Bay or the most beautiful beach in Albania
It was once the bay of salvation. Many sailors, navigators, warriors, but also robbers, were sheltered when the storm struck them in the sea and when they were leaving, use to write their notes on the walls. Therefore it is also called the Gulf of Grama or Gramata. Its name is clearly affiliated with engraved inscriptions from antiquity. Everyone who stopped there left his foot on the rock as deep as possible. More than 1500 inscriptions are counted there, where Greek inscriptions are the most ancient crops and belong to the last centuries BC, followed by some Latin inscriptions of the imperial period, before the medieval Greek was overwhelming.
Graffiti that most often address Jesus Christ that came as a result of prayers for salvation or for the Lord to bring forth the good wind. Today, there are certainly more graffiti because the travelers of the last century also want to leave their mark. Today they are no longer sailors, neither fighters nor thieves, but tourists who want to enjoy the most beautiful bay in Albania. They come from all over Albania and to date no one has been indifferent to this rare beauty. The introduced bay is characterized by crystal clear waters, which are actually found along the whole small beaches of Karaburun Peninsula, part of which is Grama bay. On one side of it, the high slopes are the result of taking the rock over the centuries because it is known that Grama in ancient times has been a quarry due to the solidity of the rocks in the area.
Of course, traveling to Grama bay with sailing boats, as you depart from Dhërmi, as the shortest route, you will be able to admire the whole coastline, where there are plenty of other little ones, though none of them with its beauty.
Another way to visit the bay is by walking along Karaburun, through a beautiful Mediterranean vegetation trail. Even this is already a fairly popular trail, although there are many who want to visit it from the sea.
Towards Sazani, as a real sailor
With the utmost attention since after Albania’s exit from the Warsaw Pact, Sazan Island in the Adriatic Sea, is returning to Albania again, but now for economic purposes. The mystery surrounding this untapped asset is being discovered day by day by foreign visitors, but not least by locals, for whom this destination was a forbidden fruit.
Although officially remains a military base, from May to October, from 08:00-19:00, Sazan Island will host numerous visitors, greatly influencing the growth of tourism in the Vlora area, which increased by 15% last year. This is why the Albanian authorities responded positively to the ongoing demand of tour operators to open the island for tourists. With less than 6 km2 of land, the island is a real wildlife reserve, sheltering dozens of rare species of flora and fauna, and especially reptiles.
While on the island you can see the abandoned buildings used for the accommodation of the military staff who served there, near the shores of Sazan, the nave conceals still undiscovered mysteries dating back to the early naval battles since the era of Roman Empire to the Second World War.
Thus, with the large boulevard along the coast called “Lungomare”, newly completed in Vlora, Sazan Island will be a powerful magnet for tourists not only for day visitors, but also for those who would love to enjoy the varied holidays offer of the shores of Vlora.
Palasa, the paradise under the mountain`s feet
If you were lucky enough to experience the sport of flights called paragliding and you were thrown from the Llogora Balcony, that paradise you would look down under your feet is Palasa beach. One of the longest beaches of the Albanian Riviera and certainly among the most beautiful ones. Palasa is almost a line or a segment, of a few segments of white rough sand-stone, breaking the ground with the sea. A wide space where all the shades of blue and green blend, culminating in the most beautiful color that nature may have ever created, the emerald one. Obviously, in the strong curves that descend the Llogara Pass, we believe that there non a traveler who has passed through the South Albania is not been impressed by it. Until recently a completely virgin beach and without a paved road leading to it, Palasa was the hidden paradise of those who wanted intimacy.
Today, the road is fixed and the beach is taking shelter of massive resorts, which will at least minimize its magic as a virgin and forgotten paradise, where only nature was present. But Palasa remains a beautiful beach and for those who want to enjoy it, it will preserve magic moments that can be enjoyed with under the melody of the sea waves and the noises of nature.
We advise you not to miss the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful beach as we illustrated at first; through a paragliding flight. It will be one of the most beautiful experiences of your life.
Go to www.extremeillyricum.com for more details on this unforgettable experience.
Dhërmi-Gjipe, pirates adventures
Although everyone knows and visits it, complain it when there is a lot of fluxes and there seems to be no place for everyone, Dhërmi can not be ranked on the list of the most beautiful Albanian beaches. And we are not talking about just for beaches but about activities as well. Going to the Cave of Pirates, escaping in the Gjipe, climbing, walking along the canyon, a jump to Jali, are some activities that can be performed very well departing from Dhërmi. That’s why it’s so wanted and never gets tired of being tempted by the more skeptical ones.
The turquoise beaches
The long smelard-colored line on the shore that runs away, turning itno deep blue to the horizon, starts from Palasa and seems to have no end and no mysteries. The whole beach is in the palm of your hand. Yet Dhermi has its hidden bays, one of which is intimate, across a rocky window. It also has its own mysteries that are no longer mysteries because the Caves of Pirates have been discovered and visited by many tourists.
Dhërmiu village.
Ideal for the afternoon at the beach, to climb up the village over cobbled stones to enjoy the nearby countryside of the South villages to drink a coffee under the shade of the plan-trees. And to enjoy the breathtaking panorama that every window of the turret, every edge of the road above the mountainside offers.
Near Dhërmi
Jali. The crystalline beach bordering Dhermi. Mecca of young people who love this place, where the loud sounds of the music disturbs those who want to relax, but entertains all those who like to be seen and check in on social networks: this summer I was in Jal. Is it a trend or not?
Vunoi. The magic village on the beachfront, like Dhërmiu village, invites you through its alleys to discover stories and legends, listen to old people stories, and enjoy the forgotten tastes flovaors throughout the years. Vunoi is regenerating its values. In the years to come, you will be craving to stay in one of his host homes.
So. Even Dhërmiu, though well known, is one of the ideal summer destinations.
Kakome – Krorëz, the beaches with God’s crown over the head
It is the most famous and visited in small bay in southern Albania.It`s hard to find someone who knows Albania and has not heard about it. Beautiful as it is, you can feel it in your blood. Precious, because it is not only surrounded by nature`s beauty, but also from the grace of the Gods, with the Monastery of St Mary, which is on the head of it and has been even restored.
Kakome for tourists is accessible only by the sea and for this reason Onhezmus 1 Boat offers this trip. You can follow another trail climbing the mountain and experiencing another sensation, while from the mountain you go down, straight to the sea.
But Kakome is not alone. Another beautiful bay although not so famous lays besides it. There is also a monastery as a God’s blessing. On the former issues of Travel magazine, we have written about Krorëza, this small paradise that until few years ago was known only by locals. Today the beach is not unknown anymore because of the passionate explorers of the secret places. But we want you to find it. That`s why we added it in our list of the most beautiful beaches.
To visit it, go a little further and read the article for the next beach. Because it is not just Kakome and Kroraza tou can see in a tour. There is more. Ionalb Travel will show you.
Plakotoi bay, the mermaid that leaves you breathless
Ever heard about it? For most of you, we are sure not.
We know very well, the you recognize that the crystal-clear bays of Saranda are stunning but this is a bay not like the others. A bay encircled by the stone tablets (it have been named because of it), the white twinkling sand and the crystalline water where, even at tens of meters, you can see the stones at the bottom of the sea.
What is most amazing is how naturally comply the two extremes of nature, mountain and sea.
A bay that is located between Kroreza bay and Lukova beach, which is reachable only by boat. This makes this little and beautiful beach even more special. There are few people who have started to visit and enjoy this virgin paradise with pure water. Every day, this bay is visited by tens of tourists who attend a day with the Onhezmus 1 tourist ship. This boat organizes daily trips to the area, starting at the Tourist Information Office on the Saranda promenade, stopping at the beaches and spots such as Cape of Qefali, Kakome Bay, Krorëza Bay, and ends its journey to the Plakotoi Virgin Gulf.
Not only the natural beauties you can enjoy going there with Onhezmus touristic ship 1 but also historic and cultural wealth. The Kakomese and Krorëza Monastery, built on the hills above the sea, are two pearls of Byzantine medieval architecture. A journey noy to miss, if you want to enjoy e different experience.
Ksamili, everyone`s lover
What can we say about Ksamil? Everything is told. Ksamil has overcome himself. Everyone wants to go to Ksamil. It impressive islands have made everybody fall in love and nobody care about the crazy flow of July and August. They just want to be there.
At first glance it looks like you have nothing to offer in Ksamil except the beaches of a rare beauty and the islands as small jewels in the middle od the deep blue sea. Though we have offered you Ksamil in a thousand ways, there is still to be done. For example, we would recommend you to explore not the popular beaches but the small islands. Even inside the Mediterranean vegetation over the island, as well as the rocky shores, where small hidden uncovered caves, have possibly never been visited from anyone of the vacationers who lay on the beaches in front of the islands.
Go to the Mussel House (read the article in the “Made in Albania” section) for a different experience to visit the mussel farms around the Butrinti Lake. Visit Vivari Castle, a wondrous island, in the middle of wetland, discover the local cuisine and find authentic recipes for an unforgettable gastronomic experience.